Professor EC Ejiogu


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For Professor EC Ejiogu, the President/CEO of Rosemund Pharmaceuticals Limited, founding, nurturing and running the company is indeed a second act in his life’s endeavour.  His inspiration for founding and leading a profound business entity derived in the main from his characteristic quest to accomplish something, which is also original in the truest sense of the concept.  Thus, for him, founding a full-scale pharmaceutical business venture from the ground up, is that something.  After he earned fancy terminal and advanced academic degrees from the flagship University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and the George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia in the United States of America in political economy, international security and interdisciplinary studies with emphasis in mass media studies, and worked in the academy as a scholar and researcher, he’s settled in now in his second act in life determined in his continuing pursuit of the philosophical mantra of doing good and well through the growth and success of the company.  An accomplished scholar and researcher and erstwhile work-a-day journalist in previous life, Professor Ejiogu who has authored well-received books and articles in notable journals that underscore his standing and accomplishments, is also an eloquent believer in the conviction that the best business practices constitute the eureka to success in the meaningful management of human and allied resources in every worthy business venture especially if the best qualified personnel are hired, paid well, and allowed to do the job.